Manufacturers & Suppliers of Gas Burners & Control Systems
Single Flame Failure Devices

Single Flame Failure Devices

Product Code: 1318

Unfortunately this product is now obsolete

We are working to find an alternative - if you would like to be added to the list to be contacted once we have found an alternative then please select the enquire now button below

The nearest available equivalent at present is the PEL 23S Valve (search 1006) This has a high flow rate and is available with 1/2" BSP adaptors for both inlet and outlet
  • £265.00 (ex VAT)


Unfortunately this product is now obsolete

We are working to find an alternative - if you would like to be added to the list to be contacted once we have found an alternative then please select the enquire now button below
The nearest available equivalent at present is the PEL 23S Valve (search 1006) This has a high flow rate and is available with 1/2" BSP adaptors for both inlet and outlet

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